Tomorrow's Professor Today

Tier 1 & 2 Requirements

Spring 2025 enrollment is closed.

The program checklist describes the various program components required for Tomorrow’s Professor Today. At first glance, the list may seem long; on closer inspection you’ll note that many of these items are already a part of your graduate or postgraduate career plans. Note too that the list emphasizes teaching, not at the expense of your ongoing research, but as a complement to it, to help you better prepare for all aspects of an academic career. The list is both a record of what you are already doing as well as a prompt to add other valuable experiences to your plans. Simply check off the boxes as you complete each program requirement.

TPT participants will keep track of their progress in the program by maintaining a Digication e-portfolio. Once enrolled in the program, participants will receive access to Digication and instructions about setting up their own portfolio. The table of contents for your TPT portfolio should match each item on this checklist. A checklist signed by your program advisor should be turned into the CTE upon completion of the Tier 2 program requirements. Submit the checklist, along with completed e-portfolios, to the CTE for final approval.

Tier 1 Requirements

  • CTE's Teaching as a Graduate Student (TAGS) workshop (TAGS attendance prior to joining TPT counts toward program requirements. If you cannot attend TAGS the semester you join, you may wait to attend the next time it is offered. TAGS takes place each August and January.)

  • Reflective teaching statement workshop

    • Typically offered in September through PhD+ Academic Job Search series

    • TPTers can also watch the Reflective Teaching Statement screencasts in Collab; watch at least two videos about sample teaching statements.

  • Write a reflective teaching statement

  • Inclusive teaching workshop

    • The CTE offers this workshop in the fall and spring each year.

  • Attend at least 4 hours of teaching-focused workshops

    • These 4 hours MUST be in addition to the reflective teaching statement workshop, inclusive teaching workshop, and TAGS.

    • Any teaching-related workshop will satisfy this requirement. The workshops do not have to be offered by the CTE.

  • Teach at least 3 hours

    • See our FAQ page if you have questions about what counts as 'teaching.'

Tier 2 Requirements

All of the observation forms are available in Collab.

  • Observe a peer teaching and conduct a follow-up conversation

    • The peer does not have to be in TPT.

  • Have your teaching observed by a peer and conduct a follow-up conversation

    • The peer does not have to be in TPT.

  • Observe a faculty member’s class and conduct a follow-up conversation

    • The faculty member does not have to be in your department or be your advisor. You may choose any faculty member whose teaching you admire.

  • Complete c3Design online course design module and in-person meetings

    • c3Design consists of 6, 90-minute meetings across 2 weeks and is typically offered in January and during the summer.

  • Submit course design materials prepared in c3Design, including an original syllabus and assignment description

  • Choose from one of the following:

    • Revise your reflective teaching statement in consultation with a CTE consultant, OR

    • Consult about your teaching with a CTE consultant (options: class observation, one-on-one consultation, or Engaging Students’ Perspectives focus group)

  • Attend at least 10 hours of teaching- focused workshops (in addition to c3Design in-person meetings)

  • Select a faculty mentor to review your portfolio of TPT materials

  • Teach at least 5 hours

Optional Professional Development Components

  • Attend a discipline-specific conference

  • Present your research at a conference or public forum

  • Interview a faculty member about their career

  • Interview an administrator about their career

  • Perform service or take on a leadership role relevant to your academic and professional interests

More about program eligibility and requirements.

More about enrolling in the program.

Example of how a participant might complete program requirements in a two-year time period.

List of the program's most commonly asked questions.

Lists of different types of resources you might helpful during your graduate studies.