Sample Program Timeline
The timeline below illustrates one of a number of possible sequences which a participant might follow to complete program requirements in a two-year time period. Note that the times listed for workshops are only estimates and that the scheduling of certain workshops may vary from that shown below.
Tier 1: Introduction to College Teaching
1st Semester of Program:
Attend TPT Orientation
Attend reflective teaching statement workshop (90 minutes; complete report sheet)
Attend 2 additional hours of workshops on teaching and learning (complete report sheets)
Attend TAGS (6 hours; complete report sheet)
Teach at least 3 hours
2nd Semester of Program:
Attend inclusive teaching workshop (90 minutes; complete report sheet)
Attend 2 additional hours of workshops on teaching or learning (complete report sheet)
Draft reflective teaching statement
Tier 2: Developing Expertise in College Teaching
3rd Semester of Program:
Select a faculty mentor
Teach at least 5 hours
Complete c3Design online course design module and in-person meetings (4.5 hours total)
Observe a peer teach and conduct a follow-up discussion (complete report sheet)
Revise your reflective teaching statement in consultation with a CTE consultant OR consult about your teaching with a CTE consultant
Attend at least 5 additional hours of workshops on teaching and learning (complete report sheets)
4th Semester of Program:
Have a peer observe your teaching and conduct a follow-up discussion (complete report sheet)
Conduct a faculty classroom observation and follow-up discussion (complete report sheet)
Complete/revise course design materials prepared in C3 Design, including an original syllabus and assignment description
Attend at least 5 additional hours of workshops on teaching and learning (complete report sheets)
Optional Professional Development Opportunities
Complete the professional development components of the program at any time during Tier 2.
Program Completion
Complete all program requirements, and have advisor check the content and sign-off on the portfolio. Submit completed portfolios to the CTE for final approval.
More about program eligibility and requirements.
More about enrolling in the program.
More about the various program components for each tier.
List of the program's most commonly asked questions.
Lists of different types of resources you might helpful during your graduate studies.