Tomorrow's Professor Today

Supporting the transition from student to academic professional

Spring 2025 enrollment is closed.

Tomorrow’s Professor Today (TPT) is a professional development program for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Designed to facilitate the transition from student to academic professional, the program focuses on improving preparedness primarily in teaching at the college level, with additional emphases in professional development and adjustment to a university career. Activities to support this endeavor include participating in a hybrid course design seminar, attending workshops, observing faculty and peers teach, preparing teaching documents, and peer-mentoring fellow participants. The program divides these activities into introductory and advanced tiers.

Participants gain enhanced teaching abilities and credentials, are introduced to many of the responsibilities faced by university faculty and administrators, attain a more comprehensive understanding of how the various components (i.e., research, teaching, service) of their graduate or postgraduate experience relate to one another now and in their future careers, and become better prepared for the challenges they will face in their future careers at a university or college. Participants are awarded a certificate for each tier they complete.

More about program eligibility and requirements.

More about enrolling in the program.

More about the various program components for each tier.

Example of how a participant might complete program requirements in a two-year time period.

List of the program's most commonly asked questions.

Lists of different types of resources you might helpful during your graduate studies.

Adriana Streifer's headshot'

Adriana Streifer

she/her/hers Associate Director & Associate Professor
