Thrive Grants

How to Apply

The application consists of multiple parts and varies whether applying for an Experiment, Small Pilot, or Large Pilot grant. All three levels require grant, applicant, and course details; disclosure of prior Thrive grants; a brief description of the proposed innovation; characterization of anticipated impact and risks of the innovation; and a budget summary.

In addition, Small Pilots and Large Pilots require a detailed line-item budget and justifications and detailed assessment plans. The level of detail and sophistication of the assessment plan should scale with the scope of the project. 

CTE faculty are available to consult about project ideas and assessment plans. For applicants interested in formally assessing their projects, the CTE’s SoTL Scholars program may be of interest.

For Spring 2025: Due to limited funding and to save you time, we encourage you to email with a brief description of your innovation project and rough costs before submitting a full proposal.

To apply, download the application template below, complete all relevant parts, and save as a PDF. Use the following naming convention: yyyy_mm-lastname_of_primary_ applicant-proposal (e.g., 2022_08-jones-proposal). Email completed applications to Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until all grant funds are exhausted.

We encourage you to read through our FAQs page for answers to common questions and email us at for additional help.

Thrive Grants Application

More about program eligibility and funding information.

List of the program's most commonly asked questions.

List of grant recipients from 2023 onward.

List of grant recipients from 2019 to 2020.