CTE Faculty Fellows

2023-2024 CESL Faculty Fellow


The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), partnering with the Office for Academic Outreach (OAO), seeks applications for a Faculty Fellow who will help support community engagement and service learning (CESL) initiatives. The Faculty Fellow will design and execute three, one-day faculty training sessions per year focusing on the fundamentals of CESL; convene a monthly learning community dedicated to CESL and related topics; receive and respond to questions from faculty about CESL; and work with staff from OAO to evaluate applications from faculty for funding to support CESL course objectives.

Detailed Responsibilities

Community engagement courses and service learning are AAC&U High-Impact Practices, and the CTE and OAO wish to support UVA faculty in their exploration and pursuit of community-based teaching. The CESL Faculty Fellow will play an integral role by leading or supporting the following activities:

  • The Faculty Fellow will lead in design and presentation of three, one-day training sessions a year in community-engaged teaching and service learning. There will be one training session offered during the Fall semester; one during the Spring semester, and one training session during the summer prior to the CTE’s Course Design Institute. These training courses are open to all faculty, regardless of whether they will teach a CESL course in the future.

  • Each month during the academic year, the Faculty Fellow will convene a faculty learning community (FLC) with the shared goal of supporting one another’s exploration and practice of CESL teaching through knowledge sharing and constructive discussion. These 75-90-minute meetings will be open to all faculty, regardless of their level of experience with or intent to teach a CESL course.

  • The Faculty Fellow will receive questions and requests for further consultation from UVA faculty and FLC members.

  • The Faculty Fellow will collaborate with staff in OAO on the design and delivery of the training sessions and faculty learning community while maintaining a leading role as convener and faculty expert for their colleagues.

  • The Faculty Fellow will work with OAO staff to evaluate applications for course enhancement funding. Course enhancement grants are available to 1) faculty who have either attended a training session or will do so before they design/teach a CESL course or 2) those whose application materials attest to their experience and success in CESL teaching.


All full-time faculty (tenure-eligible, tenured, and general faculty) with prior experience teaching community-engaged courses or service-learning courses are eligible to apply.


Applicants must have exceptional interpersonal skills, strong verbal and written communication skills, work well in highly collaborative environments, and have a demonstrated commitment to improving teaching and learning and equitable and inclusive practices. Applicants must have already attended the CTE’s Course Design Institute or completed a facilitated session of c3Design (or be able to participate prior to starting the position).


The Faculty Fellow will serve a one-year appointment that can be renewed with mutual agreement for up to two additional years.


The Faculty Fellow will receive $5,000 for working 125 hours spread throughout the year. Fellows may choose to receive this as an administrative supplement to their salary, a research fund, or negotiated release time with their department. They will be given the working title of "CTE Faculty Fellow," which they may use while in the position.

Application Materials

Applicants should submit the following materials by the application deadline.

  • Letter of Interest (max. two pages): The letter should highlight the applicant’s interest in the position, their experience teaching community-engaged courses or service-learning courses, aspects of the work they are particularly interested in, and their commitment to and experience with diversity, equity, and inclusion work.

  • Teaching CV (max. two pages): The abbreviated curriculum vita should highlight the applicant’s teaching activities, especially those related to community engagement or service-learning. It should also highlight, for example, broader teaching responsibilities, relevant professional development activities, prior work with the CTE, teaching-related publications and presentations, teaching awards, or teaching-related committee work.

N.B. Once the Fellow is selected, we will jointly develop a Memorandum of Understanding between the CTE, Faculty Fellow, and Fellow’s department chair and academic associate dean. In addition to agreeing to the position details, the chair and dean will attest that working with the CTE in the manner described will positively advance the Fellow’s promotion and/or tenure case. Also, any course release is at the discretion of the Fellow’s department or school and must be negotiated and approved prior to the start of the position.

Selection Process

Applicant materials will be reviewed, and informal interviews conducted by a small group of CTE faculty and OAO staff. Final selections will be based on how well applicants match the desired qualifications and the current needs of the CTE, OAO, and University.

Application Deadline and Process

For 2023-24, the call for applications will remain open from April 1 until May 15, 2023. Review will commence as applications are received. Applicants should submit their materials as a single PDF file to Dorothe Bach at bach@virginia.edu, using the following naming convention: lastname_ceslfellowapp_date (EX: jones_ctefacultyfellowapp_09072020).

More about our call for Faculty Fellow applications.

More about our Faculty Fellows, past and present.