
OneHE Lunch and Learn Series: Teaching for Mental Health

Students are reporting mental health challenges at record levels nationally. There are many factors contributing to this that are out of our control as instructors, but there are also moves we can make to serve as the kind of natural mentors that support student wellness. In this virtual lunch and learn, we'll watch a discuss a few short videos from the OneHE course "Improving Student Wellness by Becoming a Natural Mentor" by Robert Eaton, co-author of the 2023 book Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom. To help us explore this topic, we will be joined by Lora Henderson Smith, assistant professor of education and human development, and Keith Williams, associate director of electrical and computer engineering, who will share their experiences with mentoring students at UVA.

Note: Since this is a virtual lunch and learn, participants are encouraged to bring their own lunches.

Consider joining us for our other Lunch and Learn Series events:

Event Details

  • Where: Zoom
  • Format: Online Only
  • Audience: Faculty

Questions about the event?


Derek Bruff's headshot'

Derek Bruff

he/him Associate Director