Lindsay Wheeler
Senior Associate Director & Assistant Professor
Lindsay Wheeler joined the Center for Teaching Excellence in 2016. As the Senior Associate Director, she leads the CTE's research and assessment efforts to drive program development and understand the impact of various programs. Lindsay’s research interests include better understanding the role of Teaching Assistants (TAs) as instructors, exploring student perceptions of courses, and identifying the impact of various instructional approaches on diverse student populations. Lindsay’s teaching interests include implementing inclusive and reflective teaching practices, developing and utilizing inquiry-based curricula, supporting TAs in instruction, and implementing active learning strategies in large-enrollment courses. She has taught large introductory chemistry laboratory courses, small foundational chemistry courses, and seminar courses to graduate and undergraduate students in the sciences.
Teaching Hub Collections
Detailed Bio
A native Virginian, Lindsay graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a B.S. in chemistry and a B.S. in forensic science. Lindsay received her M.A. in chemistry and M.A. in teaching from the University of Virginia. She taught high school chemistry before returning to the University of Virginia to obtain her Ph.D. in science education. In 2014, Lindsay won the All-University Graduate Teaching Assistant award for Math, Sciences, and Engineering.
Lindsay works with both faculty and teaching assistants in STEM disciplines to support effective integration of research-based practices into their teaching. She also seeks to enable faculty in conducting scholarship of teaching and learning. Lindsay is also working to create opportunities for increased use of data to drive improvements in teaching in learning.
Lindsay’s research includes both broad educational development and higher education research as well as more focused research on STEM education. Her research interests include better understanding the role of Teaching Assistants (TAs) as instructors, exploring student perceptions of courses, and identifying the impact of various instructional approaches on diverse student populations. Published accounts of Lindsay’s work can be found in:
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning
Chemistry Education Research and Practice
International Journal of Science Education
International Journal of STEM Education
International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of College Science Teaching
Journal of Research in Science Teaching
The Science Teacher
In collaboration with the School of Education and five STEM departments, Lindsay has received Jefferson Trust and National Science Foundation grants to support her work transforming introductory laboratory courses and preparation of graduate students for teaching in chemistry, astronomy, physics and biology departments.
In collaboration with the School of Education, the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), and the College of Arts & Sciences, Lindsay has received Jefferson Trust and 3Cavaliers funding to develop digital tools to gather and share teaching and learning data intended to transform undergraduate education.
Educational Development Awards
2022 International Journal of Academic Development Article of the Year Award, with Laura Cruz, Elizabeth Dickens, and Anna L. Bostwick Flaming: "Embracing complexity: an inclusive framework for the scholarship of educational development"
2021 International Journal of Academic Development Article of the Year Award, with Dorothe Bach: “Understanding the impact of educational development interventions on classroom instruction and student success"
2018 Robert J. Menges Honorable Mention for Outstanding Research in Educational Development, with Dorothe Bach: "Making Assessment Matter"
2015 Robert J. Menges Award for Outstanding Research in Educational Development, with Michael Palmer and Itiya Aneece: "Not Your Granddaddy’s Syllabus: Investigating Student Perceptions of Course Syllabi"
Current Professional Service Activities
Editor-in-Chief, To Improve the Academy (2021-present)
Research Coordinator, Pandemic Educational Development Research Collaborative (PEDRC) (2020-present)
Leadership team member, SoTL Collaboratory (2020-present)
Recent Publications
Lukes, L., Abbot, S., Wheeler, L., Henry, D., Case, K., Wells, M., & Brantmeier, E. (accepted). Strategic Planning Tools for Educational Developers Supporting SoTL Cultures and Programs at their Institutions. To Improve the Academy. DOI: 10.3998/tia.3492
Wheeler, L. B., Thompson, K., Marbach-Ad, G., Sheehan, P., Bortiatynski, J., & Ghent, C. (2023). Factors predicting students’ values of STEM cross-disciplinary skills: A study across four institutions. CBE Life Sciences Education. 22: ar20, 1-20. DOI:10.1187/cbe.22-06-0101
Lukes, L., Abbot, S., Henry, D., Wells, M., Baum, L., Case, K., Brantmeier, E. J., & Wheeler, L. (2022). Impact of a regional community of practice for academic developers engaged in institution-level support for SoTL. International Journal of Academic Development. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2022.2135005
Wheeler, L. B., & Gonczi, A.L. (2022). Finding the variables that react: Student achievement in an inquiry-based introductory chemistry laboratory course. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21840.
Cruz, L., Dickens, E., Flaming, A., & Wheeler, L. B. (2022). Embracing complexity: An inclusive framework for the scholarship of educational development. International Journal of Academic Development, 27(1), 45-57. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2021.1901102
McAlister, A., McDermott, J., Garibay, J., & Wheeler, L. (June, 2022). “Man, I am a Black Engineer”: The Co-development of Transformational Resistance and Engineering Identity. In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Wheeler, L. B. & Sloane, J. (2021). A mixed methods exploration of the Learning Assistant model: How do Learning Assistants benefit? Journal on the Excellence in College Teaching. 32(4), 21-41.
Wheeler, L. B. (2021). Supporting STEM faculty of large enrollment courses: A mixed methods study of impact. International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15 (1), article 7.
Favre, D., Bach, D., & Wheeler, L. B. (2021). Measuring institutional transformation: A multi-faceted assessment of a new faculty development program. Journal of Research in Innovation Teaching & Learning. DOI: 10.1108/JRIT-04-2020-0023
Little, D., Caulkins, J., Kaldor, E., & Wheeler, L. B. (2021). Fractal reflection: Cultivating community and meaning in times of crises. To Improve the Academy, 39(3), 25-38. DOI: 10.3998/tia.17063888.0039.302
Cruz, L., Dickens, E., Flaming, A., & Wheeler, L. B. (2021). Embracing complexity: An inclusive framework for the scholarship of educational development. International Journal for Academic Development. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2021.1901102
Wheeler, L. B. & Bach, D. (2021). Understanding the impact of educational development interventions on classroom instruction and student success. International Journal for Academic Development, 26(1), 24-40. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2020.1777555
Sanders, M., Walsh, K., & Wheeler, L. B. (2021). Effective survey design: Asking the right questions to get the data you need. POD Scholar: Guides to Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities in Educational Development, (2).
Magliaro, S., Newbill, P., & Wheeler, L. (2021). A High-Impact University Collaborative to Advance STEM Educational Opportunities for All Virginians. In M. Cowell and S. LyonHill (Eds). Vibrant Virginia.
Wheeler, L. & Morkowchuk, L. (2020). Project-based Guided Inquiry (PBGI) curriculum in Introductory Chemistry laboratories. In J.J. Mintzes and E.M. Walter (Eds). Active learning in college science: The case for evidence based practice. Berlin: Springer Nature.
Recent Conference Presentations
Wheeler, L., Santos, N., & Garibay, J. (February, 2023). Social Justice and Sense of Belonging in STEM. A presentation for the annual Conference in Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, VA.
Caulkins, J., Cardamone, C., Wheeler, L., Kaldor, E., & Grupp, L. (November, 2022). Connect, reflect, write, repeat: A professional practice promoting well-being. An interactive session for the annual POD Network Conference, Seattle, Washington.
Flaming, A., Andreoli, J., Fournier, E., Hakala, C., Taggart, J., Wheeler, L., Smith, A., & Hawkins, G. (November, 2022). POD Writes: Re-connecting through the scholarship of educational development. A POD-sponsored session for the annual POD Network Conference, Seattle, Washington.
Little, D., Kaldor, E., Wheeler, L., Caulkins, J., Grupp, L. (May, 2022). Fractal Reflection: A Novel EdDev Research Methodology. A presentation for the annual International Consortium of Education Development (ICED) conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Dickens, E., Taggart, J., & Wheeler, L. (May, 2022). Leveraging Institutional Data to Improve Equity and Justice. A workshop for the International Consortium of Educational, Developers (ICED) conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Lukes, L., Baum, L., Brantmeier, E., Case, K., Henry, D., Taggart, J., Wells, M., & Wheeler, L. (May, 2022). Planning SoTL Educational Development Initiatives. Paper for the International Consortium of Educational, Developers (ICED) conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Wheeler, L., Henry, D., & Baum, L. (February, 2022). SoTL Collaboratory: A 4-VA Funded Community of Practice for Faculty Developers. A presentation for the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA.
Landy, K., Little, D., Wheeler, L., Tapp, S., Flaming, A., Caulkins, J., & Kaldor, E. (November, 2021). Contexts for Agency: Leveraging Fractal Reflection Through and Beyond Crisis. A live interactive session for the POD Network annual conference, Online.
Streifer, A., Wheeler, L., & Gravett, E. (November, 2021). Student Perceptions of Instructors’ Race and Gender. A pre-recorded presentation for the POD Network annual conference, Online.
Bach, D., Mandeltort, L., Taggart, J., Wheeler, L., & Williams, C. (September, 2021). Understanding Barriers and Supports for Building Sustainable, Relationship-Rich Academic Environments. A presentation for the Coalition for Life Transformative Education annual conference, Online.
Marbach-Ad, G., Thompson, K., Sheehan, P., Wheeler, L., Ghent, C., & Bortiatynski, J. (April, 2021). Exploring Students’ Values and Classroom Experiences across a Consortium of Four Universities. A pre-recorded presentation for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Online.
Recent Educational Development Workshops
Lukes, L., Baum, L., Brantmeier, E., Case, K., Henry, D., Taggart, J., Wells, M., & Wheeler, L. (November, 2022). Planning SoTL Faculty Development Initiatives During Uncertain Times. A preconference workshop for the POD Network virtual conference, Online.
Wheeler, L. (October 3, 2021). Let’s get SoTLing! An introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. An invited workshop for the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, Virginia Commonwealth University, Online.
Lukes, L., Baum, L., Brantmeier, E., Case, K., Dauterive, J., Filer, K., Henry, D., Taggart, J., Wells, M., & Wheeler, L. (January, 2021). Creating a Strategic Plan for SoTL at Your Center/Institution. A pre-conference workshop for the POD Network annual conference, Online.
Recent Grant Funding
Leadership team member. Roksa, J., Columbus, L., Giering, J., Wheeler, L., Densberger, K., John, K., Morgan, K., Hunger, G., & Barker, S. HHMI IE3 UVA. ($30,000, funded; October 2020-May 2022). Inclusive Excellence 3 grant, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Co-Principal Investigator. Garibay, J., Berne, R., & Wheeler, L. ($60,000, funded; May 2021-May 2022). Race in the stem curriculum? Exploring the educational impact of science and engineering courses integrating issues of racial inequality. 3Cavaliers, University of Virginia.
Co-Principal Investigator. Lukes, L. Brantmeier, E., Case, K., Filer, K., Wells, M., Wheeler, L., & Taggart, J. ($26,980, funded total for VT, GMU, VCU, JMU, UVA; $5,000 to UVA; August 2021-May 2022). Energizing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) production in Virginia through the development of a regional community of practice for SoTL faculty developers. 4-VA Grant extension funding, University of Virginia.
Co-Principal Investigator. Lukes, L. Brantmeier, E., Case, K., Filer, K., Wells, M., Wheeler, L. ($45,000, funded total for VT, GMU, VCU, JMU, UVA; $5,000 to UVA; November 2020- May 2021). Energizing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) production in Virginia through the development of a regional community of practice for SoTL faculty developers. 4-VA Grant, University of Virginia.
Project Lead for UVA. Wheeler, L. & Maeng, J., in collaboration with VT, GMU, VCU, JMU. (March 2019-March 2020). Development of a Blueprint for the Virginia STEM Ecosystem. 4-VA Grant, University of Virginia.
Co-Principal Investigator. Inkelas, K., Wheeler, L., Redwine, M., & Levine, A. (April 2019-August 2022).Tools to Transform Student Experiences in the Classroom. Jefferson Trust Grant, University of Virginia.
Courses Taught
Research on Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Teaching Science in Higher Education
Introduction to College Chemistry Laboratory
Foundations of Chemical Principles