Adriana Streifer
Associate Director & Associate Professor
Adriana Streifer joined the Center for Teaching Excellence in 2016. She runs our teaching consultation services, the Course Design Institute, and c3Design - the Center's online program for course design. She also directs the graduate teaching certificate program Tomorrow’s Professor Today and mentors the Center's PhD Plus Graduate Intern. Adriana’s research focuses on course design practices; alternative grading schemes as equitable practice; student perceptions of instructors’ pedagogical improvement efforts; and the implications of student perceptions of instructor race and gender for educational development programming. She teaches intensive writing courses, seminars on early modern English drama and women in drama, and a graduate course on philosophies of education.
Teaching Hub Collections
Detailed Bio
Originally from California, Adriana earned her B.A. in English Literature and Italian Studies from UCLA. She earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in English Literature from UVA. Her doctoral research focused on the social functions of Jewish stereotypes in early modern (Renaissance) drama. Before returning to UVA to join the CTE in 2016, she was a faculty member in the Writing Program at the University of Southern California.
Adriana’s research in educational development includes projects on course design practices, alternative grading schemes, and student perceptions of instructor race and gender. With colleagues Michael Palmer and Dorothe Bach, she won the 2014 POD Network Innovation Award for work on a valid and reliable syllabus rubric. Published accounts of her work can be found in To Improve the Academy and the Journal of Faculty Development.
Adriana is heavily involved in the Professional and Organizational Network in Higher Education (POD Network), currently serving as chair of the Innovation Award selection committee.
Adriana’s teaching interests include philosophies of education, inclusive and equitable teaching practices, writing pedagogy, Shakespeare, feminism and theater, and medieval and early modern literature.
Educational Development Awards
2014 POD Network Innovation Award, with Michael Palmer and Dorothe Bach. Measuring the Promising: A Valid and Reliable Syllabus Rubric.
Recent Publications
Streifer, A. C., and Palmer, M. S. Is Specifications Grading Right for Me?: A Readiness Assessment to Help Instructors Decide. College Teaching.
Streifer, A. C., Gravett, E. O. & Taggart, J., (2019). Student Perceptions of Instructors as Growing Learners: Implications for Educational Development. Journal of Faculty Development. 33: 77-82.
Palmer, M. S., Streifer, A. C. & Williams-Duncan, S. (2016). Systematic Assessment of a High-Impact Course Design Institute. To Improve the Academy, 35: 339–361.
Palmer, M. S., Bach, D. J. and Streifer, A. C. (2014). Measuring the Promise: A Learning-Focused Syllabus Rubric. To Improve the Academy, 33: 14–36.
Recent Conference Publications
“Students’ Perceptions of Instructors’ Race and Gender,” with L. Wheeler and E. Gravett. (2021). POD Network in Higher Education, Virtual Conference.
“Researching the Resilient CDI: Pandemic Lessons and Opportunities” with E. Kaldor, M. Kane, M. Vecchione, K. Fournier, and C. Moore. (2021). POD Network in Higher Education, Virtual Conference.
“Equity, Decoloniality, and Social Justice: Learning in Dialogue with South African Colleagues," with D. Bach, C. Moore, E. Dickens, C. McEniry, B. Sibanda, and M. Joubert. (2020). Plentary presentation at POD Network in Higher Education, Virtual Conference.
“Tomorrow’s Professors Today: A Multi-tiered, Scalable Teaching Certificate Program.” (2019). POD Network in Higher Education, Pittsburgh, PA.
“Specifications Grading: A Strategy for Inclusive, Meaningful, Transparent Assessment," with M. Palmer and D. Bach. (2019). The Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA.
Recent Workshops on Teaching & Learning
Maximizing Your TA Experience: Power, Difference, and Optimism (2020)
Writing Reflective Teaching Statements (2020)
Understanding and Implementing Equitable Teaching Practices (2020)
Courses Taught
Identity, Selfhood, and Otherness in Renaissance Drama
Philosophies and Theories of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Women in Drama