Course Design Institute

Core Faculty & Learning Team Facilitators

Core Faculty

The Institute’s core faculty—members of the CTE’s permanent team—have created a highly interactive, immersive learning environment to help you systematically design your course. They will engage you in lively discussions and lead you through a variety of activities designed to clarify ideas and expand your pedagogical knowledge base.

In addition to leading the CTE’s Course Design Institute, the core faculty have also developed, designed, and led similar institutes for UVA faculty teaching community engagement, study abroad, and academic medicine courses. They have facilitated extended-length institutes at Berea College, George Washington University, James Madison University, New York Institute of Technology, Rhode Island Teaching and Learning Consortium, St. Louis University, SUNY Oneonta, University of Louisville, University of Richmond, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, Teikyo University, Japan, and King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia and consulted regularly with colleagues in Germany.

Learning Team Facilitators

Along with the core faculty, several highly experienced facilitators lead individual learning teams through the process of learning-focused course design. By actively listening and asking powerful questions, your learning team facilitator will guide you in developing your dream course. Brief bios for current facilitators are listed below.

Dorothe Bach

Professor, General Faculty & Associate Director, Center for Teaching Excellence – University of Virginia

Dorothe’s most recent pedagogical passions include course design, student reflection, and intercultural learning in community engagement and study abroad contexts. She has taught literature, culture, and language courses in UVA’s German Department and Comparative Literature Program. She also teaches yoga in the community.

Rose Buckelew

Associate Professor, General Faculty (Sociology) & Faculty Fellow, Center for Teaching Excellence – University of Virginia

Rose's research interests include race, racism, mental illness, deviance, and crime. Her primary line of research explores how racialized understandings of behavior shape the construction of addiction and the maintenance of diagnostic disparities. She teaches classes ranging from large-enrollment courses to small seminars on topics like Introduction to Sociology and Race Relations; Criminology; Race, Crime, and Punishment; and Drugs in Society.

Elizabeth Dickens

Associate Professor, General Faculty (English) & Associate Director, Center for Teaching Excellence – University of Virginia

Elizabeth's pedagogical interests include curriculum design and departmental teaching cultures, teaching in the humanities, and the study of educational development itself. She regularly teaches a seminar in the English department on the production and reception of middlebrow fiction.

devin donovan

Associate Professor, General Faculty (English) – University of Virginia

Emily Gravett

Associate Professor of Religion & Assistant Director of the Teaching Area, Center for Faculty Innovation – James Madison University

Emily is interested in active learning, formative assessment, discussion leading, writing instruction, and inclusive classroom communities. She teaches introductory religion courses as well as upper-level seminars, such as Religion and Film. She is also an alumna of the University of Virginia, where she earned her Ph.D. in Religious Studies and worked part-time at the Center for Teaching Excellence for two years as a graduate student.

Stacy Grooters

Executive Director, Boston College Center for Teaching Excellence – Boston College

Stacy is interested in the roles of instructor and student identity in the classroom, as well as broader questions of diversity, equity, and social justice in higher education. She champions teaching at BC, driving campus conversations about teaching excellence and advocating for a strong culture of reflective, inclusive, evidence-based teaching.

Brian Helmke

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering & Applied Science – University of Virginia

Brian is interested in technology-enhanced collaborative learning that helps prepare engineering students for professional practice. He encourages creative problem-solving by integrating previous coursework, online resources, and peer discussions. Brian teaches a large format undergraduate biotransport course, a smaller nanomedicine laboratory, as well graduate courses in mechanobiology, biomechanics, and cell biology.

Lynn Mandeltort

Assistant Professor, General Faculty (Engineering) & Assistant Director of Engineering Education Initiatives, Center for Teaching Excellence – University of Virginia

Lynn's pedagogical interests include co-teaching, writing to learn, collaborative learning, and working with undergraduate learning assistants. Trained as a physical chemist, she has taught laboratory courses, courses about teaching, large-enrollment introductory chemistry courses, and small upper-level courses on quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. Her favorite instructional tactic is "wait time," and she loves a noisy classroom.

Carl S. Moore

Associate Vice President for Learning & Engagement – University of the District of Columbia

Carl’s instructional interests include course design, inclusive teaching, and teaching with technology. He has taught graduate courses on urban education, social policy, foundations of American education, and teaching in higher ed. He has also taught undergraduate courses on youth cultures, service learning, and college success strategies.

Michael Palmer

Professor, General Faculty (Chemistry) & Barbara Fried Director, Center for Teaching Excellence – University of Virginia

Michael’s pedagogical interests include active learning, collaborative learning, creativity in the classroom, large enrollment courses, and student motivation. He teaches a highly interdisciplinary, discussion-based seminar on infinity, a large-enrollment, inquiry-based laboratory course for first-year chemistry students, and a course on the science of learning.

Adriana Streifer

Associate Professor, General Faculty (English) & Associate Director, Center for Teaching Excellence – University of Virginia

Adriana is intersted in course design practices; alternative grading schemes as equitable practice; student perceptions of instructors’ pedagogical improvement efforts; and the implications of student perceptions of instructor race and gender for educational development programming. As a co-author of the CTE’s syllabus rubric, Adriana specializes in helping instructors develop learner-centered teaching goals and design assignments in alignment with those goals. She teaches intensive writing courses, seminars on early modern English drama and women in drama, and a graduate course on philosophies of education.

Lindsay Wheeler

Assistant Professor, General Faculty (Chemistry) & Senior Associate Director, Center for Teaching Excellence – University of Virginia

Lindsay's pedagogical interests include implementing inclusive and reflective teaching practices, developing and utilizing inquiry-based curricula, supporting TAs in instruction, and implementing active learning strategies in large-enrollment courses. She has taught large introductory chemistry laboratory courses, small foundational chemistry courses, and seminar courses to graduate and undergraduate students in the sciences.