UDL@UVA Speaker Series: Lillian Nave

Join Lillian Nave for a day filled with collegial conversation, instructional strategies and practical application of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, practices, and more! The day begins with  an introduction to UDL. The afternoon offers two workshops, with the first focusing on Transparency In Learning and Teaching (TILT) and the second highlighting the importance of reflection in the learning experience.

There is limited seating so please register early. You may register to attend all or individual sessions. See the agenda below for more information on the day's activities.


10:30 am-12 pm Keynote: Supporting UVA's Diverse Students with UDL-Inspired Design Thinking

Together we will examine the myriad ways UVA students are diverse and leverage that variability to create richer, more nuanced educational environments using a strength-based, talent-focused approach to design learning experiences. We will examine how to educate the whole student, create an inclusive environment in a complex and interdependent world, and decrease the friction in learning without reducing rigor. Through the lens of learner variability, we will address the needs of the whole student and in so doing, align with UVA's mission to create "a collaborative, diverse community bound together by distinctive foundational values of honor, integrity, trust, and respect."

12-12:45 pm Lunch

12:45-2:15 pm Workshop: TILTing Your Assignments - Make your teaching life easier and help your students succeed!

Bring an assignment, or have one in mind, for this workshop to improve student outcomes using transparent assignment design. We will take a look at executive functions in college students and employ a few design interventions to help you and your students more easily achieve your teaching and learning objectives. A TILTed assignment helps students start and complete assignments on time with fewer questions along the way, saving you valuable time and energy in the busiest parts of the semester.

2:15-2:30 pm Break

2:30-4:00 pm UDL and Reflection Workshop: What Just Happened? How reflection enhances learning

Reflection is where learning happens and is therefore an integral part of Universal Design for Learning. We will learn about the differences between culturally individuated and integrated learning and why reflection is so valuable. In this practical workshop we will also explore several ways to incorporate student self-assessment and reflection during and between classes, or through embedding reflection in assessments, and/or offering opportunities at the end of course. You'll discover many ways to increase student learning and experience the benefit of this one small teaching intervention.

4:00-4:15 pm Wrap Up

This event is sponsored by the Coordinator of Academic Accessibility, A&S Learning Design & Technology, and Center for Teaching Excellence.

Lillian Nave headshot

About Lillian Nave

Lillian Nave is a Senior Lecturer in First Year Seminar focussing on Intercultural Competence and is the CETLSS (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success) Coordinator at Appalachian State's Hickory Campus where she leads faculty development initiatives, and implements Universal Design for Learning programs for both campuses. As the host of the Think UDL podcast, she interviews practitioners all over the world who are improving educational environments through equitable and inclusive practices based on the UDL principles. She writes scholarly and practical pieces on UDL implementation and shares this scholarship in articles, podcasts, workshops, and presentations.

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Questions about the event?

Contact coaa@virginia.edu.