University Academy of Teaching

Recognizing and engaging great teachers at UVA


The University Academy of Teaching recognized exemplary professors who generously and collaboratively shared their know-how with faculty and graduate teaching assistant colleagues throughout the University community, especially across Departmental and School boundaries. In diverse, innovative ways, consistently, over an extended time, Academy members distinguished themselves with their ability to communicate their excellent skill in facilitating students’ learning. Academy members typically won a University-wide teaching award. The Academy engaged its members to share their expertise with a broader audience of colleagues through a series of programs that further raised the level of pedagogy at the University of Virginia.

Founded as a pilot program in 2011, the University Academy of Teaching was housed in the Center for Teaching Excellence and directed by an Executive Board made up of Academy members and CTE faculty.

Generous initial funding for the University Academy of Teaching was provided by The Jefferson Trust, an Initiative of the UVA Alumni Association, Vice Provost for Academic Programs J. Milton Adams, and the Center for Teaching Excellence.

More on the Academy and its goals.